'use strict;' // parameters var playerHeight = jQuery('script').last().data('player-height') || 100 ; var playerWidth = jQuery('script').last().data('player-width') || 400 ; var playerWaveColor = jQuery('script').last().data('player-wave-color') || 'Violet' ; var playerProgressColor = jQuery('script').last().data('player-progress-color') || 'Purple' ; var playerBackgroundColor = jQuery('script').last().data('player-background-color') || '' ; var playerHideScrollBar = jQuery('script').last().data('player-hide-scroll-bar') || true ; // global constants from the node server! const port = '20001' ; const proxyPort = 'proxyPort20001' ; const spinner = '/html5Audio/html5AudioNode/images/spinner.gif' ; const buttonHeight = 42 ; const controlHeight = 20 ; const waveSurferVersion = '7.6.0' ; // 2023-12-29 const unpkgPrefix = '//unpkg.com/wavesurfer.js@' ; // 2023-12-29 const unpkgDistUrl = unpkgPrefix // 2023-12-29 + waveSurferVersion // 2023-12-29 + '/dist/' // 2023-12-29 ; // 2023-12-29 // 2023-06-11 - latest websurfer // 2023-08-27 - had to roll back // var waveSurferUrl = '//unpkg.com/wavesurfer.js@beta' ; // 2023-12-29 const waveSurferUr ='//unpkg.com/wavesurfer.js@7.1.5/dist/wavesurfer.esm.js' ; // const waveSurferUrl = unpkgDistUrl // 2023-12-29 + 'wavesurfer.esm.js' // 2023-12-29 ; // 2023-12-29 // var waveSurferTimelineUrl='//unpkg.com/wavesurfer.js@beta/dist/plugins/timeline.js' ; const waveSurferTimelineUrl = unpkgDistUrl // 2023-12-29 + 'plugins/timeline.esm.js' // 2023-12-29 ; // 2023-12-29 var globalWaveSurferObj = null ; var wavesurfer; var globalTimelinePlugin = null ; let innerText = ` import ws from '${waveSurferUrl}' ; globalWaveSurferObj = ws ; import wsTlPlugin from '${waveSurferTimelineUrl}' ; globalTimelinePlugin = wsTlPlugin ; `; let script = document.createElement('script') ; script.type = 'module' ; Object.assign(script, { innerText } ) ; // fancy way of assigning this object a value! document.head.appendChild(script); const slashCharTwice = String.fromCharCode(47,47) ; const comptonDomainName = 'comptonpeslonline.com' ; // 2024-02-08 const jqwidgetsDomainName = 'jqwidgets.com/jquery-widgets-demo/' ; // 2023-06-10 const waveSurferJsLib = '//unpkg.com/wavesurfer@1.3.4/dist/wavesurfer.min.js'; // 2023-06-10 const waveSurferJsTimelineLib = '//unpkg.com/wavesurfer@1.3.4/dist/plugin/wavesurfer.timeline.min.js' ; // 2024-02-08 const jqWidgetsJsLib = '/js/jqwidgets/' ; // 2024-02-08 const jqWidgetsCssLib = '/css/jqwidgets/' ; // const jqwidgetsVersion = '18.0.0' ; // 2024-02-08 const jqWidgetsJsLib = '/js/jquery/jqwidgets/' // 2024-02-08 + jqwidgetsVersion // 2024-02-08 + '/jqwidgets-min/' ; // 2024-02-08 const jqWidgetsCssLib = '/js/jquery/jqwidgets/' // 2024-02-08 + jqwidgetsVersion // 2024-02-08 + '/jqwidgets/styles/' ; // 2024-02-08 // global variables var globalAudioFile = null ; // load up css and js [ jqWidgetsCssLib + 'jqx.base.css' // 2023-06-11 unused, '/js/Modernizr/Modernizr.custom.81162.js' , slashCharTwice + comptonDomainName + '/' + proxyPort + '/socket.io/socket.io.js' // 2023-06-10 , waveSurferJsLib // 2023-06-10 , waveSurferJsTimelineLib // 2021-03-22 , jqWidgetsJsLib + 'jqxcore.js' , jqWidgetsJsLib + 'jqxbuttons.js' , jqWidgetsJsLib + 'jqxscrollbar.js' , jqWidgetsJsLib + 'jqxlistbox.js' , jqWidgetsJsLib + 'jqxdropdownlist.js' ].forEach( (value, key) => { if ( value.match(/\.css$/) ) { var headID = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] ; var cssNode = document.createElement('link') ; cssNode.href = value ; cssNode.type = 'text/css' ; cssNode.rel = 'stylesheet' ; cssNode.media = 'screen' ; headID.appendChild(cssNode) ; console.info('Loading: ' + value) ; } else if ( value.match(/\.js$/) ) { var script = document.createElement('script') ; script.src = value ; script.type = 'text/javascript' ; script.async = false ; var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0] ; console.info('Loading: ' + value) ; scripts.parentNode.insertBefore(script, scripts) ; // head.appendChild(script); ???????????????????????? } else { console.error('what is ' + value ); } }); var wrapper = document.createElement('div'); innerHTML = `
Player will load soon.
` .replace(/__HEIGHT__/g , playerHeight - controlHeight ) .replace(/__WIDTH__/g , playerWidth ) .replace(/__SPINNER_URL__/ , spinner ) .trim() ; Object.assign(wrapper, {innerHTML } ); document.currentScript.after(wrapper); document.querySelector('div#tempDiv').style.backgroundSize = 'cover'; document.querySelector('div#tempDiv').style.display = 'table-cell'; document.querySelector('div#tempDiv').style.textAlign = 'center'; document.querySelector('div#tempDiv').style.height = playerHeight; document.querySelector('div#tempDiv').innerText = 'Player should load soon!'; document.querySelector('div#waveSurferContainer').setAttribute('style', 'background-image: url(/html5Audio/html5AudioNode/images/spinner.gif); '); document.querySelector('div#waveSurferContainer').style.backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat' ; document.querySelector('div#waveSurferContainer').style.backgroundSize = '100px 100px' ; document.querySelector('div#waveSurferContainer').style.setProperty('background-position' , 'center' ) ; document.querySelector('div#waveSurferContainer').style.setProperty('height' , playerHeight + 'px' ) ; document.querySelector('div#waveSurferContainer').style.setProperty('width' , playerWidth + 'px' ) ; document.querySelector('div#waveSurferContainer').style.setProperty('background-color' , playerBackgroundColor ) ; //jQuery('div#waveSurferContainer').css( //{ 'height' : playerHeight //, 'width' : playerWidth //, 'background-color' : playerBackgroundColor //} //); // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7486309/how-to-make-script-execution-wait-until-jquery-is-loaded var waitForWaveSurfer = setInterval( () => { if ( typeof globalWaveSurferObj === 'function' ) { console.info('globalWaveSurferObj is finally now a function! proceeding....'); document.querySelector('div#waveSurferContainer').style.backgroundImage = null ; document.querySelector('div#waveFormDiv').replaceChildren() ; // empty out the loading message //jQuery('div#waveFormDiv').css('maxWidth', playerWidth + 'px') ; wavesurfer = globalWaveSurferObj.create( { 'backend' : 'MediaElement' , 'container' : document.querySelector('div#waveFormDiv') , 'height' : ( playerHeight - buttonHeight ) , 'hideScrollbar' : playerHideScrollBar , 'progressColor' : playerProgressColor , 'waveColor' : playerWaveColor } ); wavesurfer.registerPlugin(globalTimelinePlugin.create()); // 2023-06-11 url: 'https://wavesurfer-js.org//wavesurfer-code/examples/audio/audio.wav', // 2023-06-11 globalWaveSurferObj = WaveSurfer.create( // 2023-06-11 { backend : 'MediaElement' // 2023-06-11 , container : document.querySelector('div#waveFormDiv') // 2023-06-11 , height : ( playerHeight - buttonHeight ) // 2023-06-11 , hideScrollbar : playerHideScrollBar // 2023-06-11 , progressColor : playerProgressColor // 2023-06-11 , waveColor : playerWaveColor // 2023-06-11 } // 2023-06-11 ); // 2023-06-11 wavesurfer.once('ready', () => { console.info('Ready to play !'); // if ( loadOpusAudioFile.playerAutoplay ) { // wavesurfer.play() ; // console.info (new Date() + ' -- Initiating autoplay') ; // } else { // console.info (new Date() + ' -- Skipping autoplay') ; // } }); if (wavesurfer.enableDragSelection) { wavesurfer.enableDragSelection({ color: 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.1)' }); } document.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) { var map = { 32 : 'play' , 37 : 'back' , 39 : 'forth' }; var action = map[e.keyCode]; if (action in GLOBAL_ACTIONS) { if (document == e.target || document.body == e.target) { e.preventDefault(); } GLOBAL_ACTIONS[action](e); } }); var GLOBAL_ACTIONS = { 'play': function () { wavesurfer.playPause(); }, 'back': function () { wavesurfer.skip(-2); }, 'forth': function () { wavesurfer.skip(2); }, 'toggle-mute': function () { wavesurfer.toggleMute(); } }; [].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll('[data-action]'), function (el) { el.addEventListener('click', function (e) { var action = e.currentTarget.dataset.action; if (action in GLOBAL_ACTIONS) { e.preventDefault(); GLOBAL_ACTIONS[action](e); } }); }); clearInterval(waitForWaveSurfer); } }, 10); var socket; var loadIoSetTimeout = setInterval( () => { if ( typeof io === 'function' ) { console.info('io is finally now a function! proceeding....'); // 2020-02-14 globalSocketObject = io(proxyPort); // https://socket.io/docs/client-api/#With-custom-path // https://socket.io/docs/client-api/#With-websocket-transport-only socket // 2020-02-15 = io.connect ( '/' // 2020-02-15 , { 'path' : '/' + proxyPort + '/socket.io' // 2021-03-31 - added extra slash , 'timeout' : 50000 // 2020-02-18 increased from default 20000 to 50000 , 'transports' : ['polling'] // 2020-02-15 added transport polling } // 2020-02-15 ); // 2020-02-15 socket.on ('Server 2 Client Message', (messageFromServer) => { console.info ('Server said: ' + messageFromServer); }); clearInterval(loadIoSetTimeout); } }, 10); var jqxDropDownListSetTimeout = setInterval( () => { if ( typeof jQuery().jqxDropDownList === 'function' ) { console.info('jQuery().jqxDropDownlist is finally now a function! Creating jqxDropDownList.'); jQuery('.btn-primary').css({'height' : controlHeight}); jQuery('div#jqxDropDownListDiv').jqxDropDownList( { source : ['mp3', 'ogg', 'wav' ] , disabled : false , dropDownWidth : 42 , enableBrowserBoundsDetection : true , autoDropDownHeight : true , theme : 'energyblue' , placeHolder : 'Download' , height : controlHeight , width : '90px' } ); jQuery('div#jqxDropDownListDiv').on('select', function (event) { // 2017-02-03 if ( args && globalAudioFile ) if ( ( globalAudioFile ) && ( typeof event === 'object' ) && ( typeof event.args === 'object' ) && ( typeof event.args.index === 'number' ) && ( event.args.index >= 0 ) && ( typeof event.args.item === 'object' ) && ( typeof event.args.item.value === 'string' ) && ( event.args.item.value != null ) ) { // 2017-02-03 var args = event.args; // 2017-02-03 var index = event.args.index ; var item = event.args.item ; var convertAudioFormatVar = '' + '/' // 2021-03-27 added forward slash + proxyPort // 2020-02-11 + '/convertAudioFormat/' + item.value + '/?inputFile=' + globalAudioFile ; console.info(convertAudioFormatVar) ; if ( navigator.userAgent.search('Chrome') ) { // 2017-02-03 // chrome! window.location.assign(convertAudioFormatVar) ; } else { // 2017-02-03 // firefox?? // 2017-02-03 window.open(convertAudioFormatVar, '_blank' ) ; // 2017-02-03 } } jQuery("div#jqxDropDownListDiv").jqxDropDownList('selectIndex', -1 ); }); clearInterval(jqxDropDownListSetTimeout); } },10); //loadOpusAudioFile.playerAutoplay = null ; //function loadOpusAudioFile(thisAudioFile, playerAutoplay) function loadOpusAudioFile(thisAudioFile) { globalAudioFile = thisAudioFile.replace(/\/+/g, '/') ; // remove the double-slashes // if ( typeof playerAutoplay !== 'boolean' ) { // loadOpusAudioFile.playerAutoplay = true ; // } else { // loadOpusAudioFile.playerAutoplay = playerAutoplay ; // } console.info('Attempting to play: ' + globalAudioFile ) ; wavesurfer.stop(); setTimeout( () => { wavesurfer.empty() } , 200 ) ; setTimeout( () => ( wavesurfer.seekTo(0) ) , 400 ) ; // do we really need this ???? setTimeout( () => { wavesurfer.load(globalAudioFile) } , 600 ) ; // wavesurfer.play(); // 2023-06-11 wavesurfer.options.url = thisAudioFile; // 2023-06-11 wavesurfer.setOptions({'url': globalAudioFile}); }